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Love Faith Hope

I am reading poems from poetry books by Luci Shaw, published in recent years by Paraclete Press. And I am also reading the children’s book, The “O” in Hope, By Luci Shaw, Illustrated by Ned Bustard (2021, Intervarsity Press). You can learn more about her books at Luci Shaw The Official Website.

Yesterday and this morning, I thought about how our vocabulary lists grow over the years. Good to read and listen, and our writing grows as well.

Then I thought about the words I will learn forever: love, faith, hope.

Wall art from a thrift store. Photo by Ellen Grace Olinger.

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books on the shelves

books on the shelves
from many years
new books and old
from thrift stores
and discarded by libraries

looking at the books
as I sit and write
gives me peace
and books by my chair
in my small study

I do not need to teach
from the books, or even
read them on any schedule,
they are my books now
and they give me peace

March 5, 2021

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